sábado, 26 de junho de 2010

segunda-feira, 14 de junho de 2010

A respeito da preservação da Natureza

"I look at it this way... For centuries now, man has done everything he can to destroy, defile, and interfere with nature: clear-cutting forests, strip-mining mountains, poisoning the atmosphere, over-fishing the oceans, polluting the rivers and lakes, destroying wetlands and aquifers... so when nature strikes back, and smacks him on the head and kicks him in the nuts, I enjoy that. I have absolutely no sympathy for human beings whatsoever. None. And no matter what kind of problem humans are facing, whether it's natural or man-made, I always hope it gets worse."

- George Carlin -

sábado, 5 de junho de 2010


Essa vai pros conservadores cheira-bufa:

Fonte: Ryotiras